Herbert Cares, M.D.
P ast P hotos of the M onth

EVA M.TESTA Born 2/4/1923
L4-5 Laminectomy Right 11/26/2010 (Age 87)
Postoperative hematoma treated conservatively, total relief of symptoms, threw away her cane.
Photo Taken on 12/16/2010 (3 Weeks Postop) giving the "OK" sign.

Earl R. Flooks, born January 11th, 1922
Had L3-4-5 Laminectomy July 20th, 2009 (Age 87)
Shown August 4th, 2009 with girlfriend, Rose!

Emile Guertin, born December 26th, 1922
Had L4-5 Laminectomy February 2nd, 2009 (Age 86)
Shown at post-op visit, June 23rd, 2009
Threw his walker away!

Andrea Gaudet, born July 1, 1919.
Had L5-S1 laminectomy March 13th, 2008.
Shown at post-op visit, July 10th, 2008 (age 89!)

Thanking you from Bellingham MA.

The photo is of me on Mt Chocura in NH.

This is one of 15 mountains I climbed this summer in New Hampshire and Maine after my February back surgery. I've played two hours of full-court basketball without problem. I've kayaked and rafted, whitewater and not. I've rode my Electra Glide over 7,000 miles without complaint.

Paul Cavicchi

Born 4/11/1923
Laminectomy 8/29/06 (Age 83)
Spinal Stenosis Two Levels


Photo at Work 1/23/07
5 Days a Week in the Bakery!


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