Herbert Cares, M.D.

C U R R I C U L U M    V I T A E

PART I: General Information

Date Prepared: January 20th, 2019
Name: Herbert Lionel Cares, M.D.
Office Address: 2000 Washington Street, Suite #220, Newton, MA 02462
Home Address: 248 Windsor Road, Waban, MA 02468
Fax: 617-964-1529


June 1959 A.B. Cornell University
June 1963 M.D. University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Postdoctoral Training

July 1963 - June 1964 Intern, Second (Cornell) Surgical Division, Bellevue Hospital, New York, NY
July 1967 - June 1971 Resident, State Univ of NY at Buffalo Neurosurgery Service
July 1971 - June 1972 Clinical and Research Fellow, Neurosurgery Service, MGH

Licensure and Certification

July 1963 - June 1975 Medical Licensure in New York
July 1964 - June 1975 Medical Licensure in Virginia
June 1971 - Present Medical Licensure in Massachusetts
October 1974 Certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgeons

Academic Appointments

Jan 1972 - Dec 1975 Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Neurosurgery) Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
July 1972 - Present Clinical Associate, Neurosurgical Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
July 1972 - Dec 1980 Assistant Director Harvard Neurosurgery, Boston City Hospital, Boston, MA
Jan 1976 - Present Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Other Professional Positions and Major Visiting Appointments

July 1964 - June 1967 Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy
July 1964 - June 1965 Medical Officer USS James Madison SSBN627
July 1965 - June 1967 Medical Officer Naval Weapons Station, Yorktown Virginia

Major Administrative Responsibilities

July 1972 - Dec 1980 Assistant Director of Neurosurgery, Harvard Medical School and Boston City Hospital, Boston, MA

Professional Societies

Sept 1962 - Dec 1980 MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY (Vice Chairman Neurosurgical Section 1976-1982)

Community Service Related to Professional Work

Awards and Honors

Dec 1955 Eagle Scout with bronze palm, Order of the Arrow
1970 First Prize, Annual Essay Contest, American College of Surgeons
1970 First and Second Prizes, Photomicrography, Biological Photographers Assoc

PART II: Research, Teaching, and Clinical Contributions

1960 June - Sept Summer Research, Univ of Michigan Fellowship in Hypertension
1967-8 June - Sept Teaching Assistant, Dept of Neuroanatomy, State Univ of NY at Buffalo
July 1973 - Dec 1978 Clinical Instructor of Surgery,(Neurosurgery) Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Jan 1979 - Present Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery (Neurosurgery), Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
July 1973- Present Clinical Associate in Neurosurgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

PART III: Bibliography

Summary of Bibliography

Papers 15

PART IV: Forensic Neurosurgery Experience

1990 - Expert witness for Promutual
1992 - Expert witness for the Risk Management Foundation, Harvard Hospitals
1992 Neurosurgical Consultant, Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine.
1999 Neurosurgical Consultant, Board of Licensure in Medicine, State of Maine.
1999 - Neurosurgical Consultant U S Department of Labor


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